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The Steps Involved in Animated Video Designing

The Steps Involved in Animated Video Designing

Blu Media 951 02-Jan-2020

In the modern era, the use of technology in order to communicate messages, visuals or meanings is highly popular. This mode of communication is more viable, viewable and user-interactive then normal oral or written communication. Amongst visual methods, one of the most famous methods is using animation that too combined with music. This acts as the best way to communicate with viewers since the medium used, is both attractive and liked by viewers. Here are the processes involved in the production of these animations, used by the best animated music video production company.

1. Scripting:

The first step involved in creating an animated music video is designing the script. Once you have established links with an animated music video production company, you can interact with their writers and discuss your ideas in order to devise a script. Most scriptwriters demand a detailed written document that can help them in gaining an idea of what you require in your video. In the document, you can add the characters, background, setting, costumes, and length.

2. Illustration:

Next, your animated music video production company and its designers will work on the illustration of the video. This will include creating illustrations of all the characters and settings that you’ve included in your finalized script. After the illustrations have been completed, you will receive the final layout, which you must confirm or request for revision, before they are compiled in a video format.

3. Adding Music and Voiceovers:

An animated video is almost incomplete without sound. The best thing about hiring a professional animated music video production company is that they have expertise in both animation and music production. You can decide the tune, voice over or music artists you require and the duration. The company will then handle the procedure by recording the sounds and will gain confirmation from you.

4. Final Combination:

In order to bring out the final video, the animated music video production company will compile all the necessary videos and discard the unnecessary ones. They will then put them in proper order and put together all the characters and settings. Once the video is in place, the company can then add the sound/music or voiceovers. Once the final video is derived, the company will put it through an analyzation phase where it will judge whether the video is effective and reactive to the target market.

Updated 02-Jan-2020
Blue Media Studio is a London based video production company. We offer an in-house team of film specialists who can manage the video production process from concept through to completion.

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